Monday, 8 August 2011

Dead Fantasy 2: By Mounty Oum

Before I let you see the video today, I want you to see this creative example of an image that my friend did for one of his photos:

I think it's really cool the idea he had for this. It was quite deep actually; even I'm not sure what the full idea is behind it, but I appreciate it and it looks rather enticing. Also, I'm very aware of the time it took for him to do this (he was a rookie at the time). That being said, however, I'm going to decline putting a creative image of me as my avatar. Sorry sir, but i really really really really really really really really really really like my current one....

Right on to more fun matters...

Last time we left it, Final Fantasy had added another character to even the odds and make it 3 on 3. let's see what happens next:

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